Two weeks into school, I remember thinking to myself, “Grad school isn’t so bad. I don’t know what all my friends were whining about when they were in grad school. Sure, there’s reading but I’ve been reading since first grade. What a bunch of Negative Nancies.”
And then week three came and punched me in the face like the odor of a homeless man sitting next to you on the bus, who’s been sweltering in the August heat of a particularly humid day in D.C., (I can tell you from personal experience that it’s quite pungent).
Projects and papers, which I had neglected the previous two weeks, began to pile on top of more projects and papers, which piled up on presentations, which piled up on the readings that were due. Four a.m. bedtimes became the norm. I would take showers at three a.m. so I wouldn’t fall asleep just yet.
So week three came and went, and I survived. It was tough, but I took care of business. Entering week four, I am happy to report that not only am I caught up on all of my current work, I am getting ahead on papers that are due two weeks from now, (nerd alert!).
To all of you Debbie Downers who still contend that grad school is hard, well, I agree. But I’m not going to whine about it. As long as you stay on top of due dates and assignments, it’s no biggie. Organization is key.
Two references to D.C. in two weeks, let’s see if I can keep it going next week.
Glad you're staying on top of it. That's really the only way, isn't it?